The Private Roads are owned and maintained by MOSA for the benefit of residents and their visitors and consist of the six private Road Groups for the purpose of management and expenditure:-
Old Point.
Sea Way.
Sea Close.
South Walk, East Close and West Close (formally known as the Sea Lane Estate)
Merry End, including properties on the south side of Middleton Road with vehicular and/or pedestrian accesses on to Merry End.
The Byway, including properties on the north side of Middleton Road with vehicular and/or pedestrian accesses on to The Byway.
The properties with access onto Sea Lane are also part of MOSA, although the road itself is a public highway and is maintained by West Sussex County Council. Sea Lane, together with the private roads are locally known as the 'Sea Lane Estate'.
Road Representatives, in liaison with the Infrastructure Sub Committee, have delegated responsibility for the maintenance of private roads, drains and verges as well as the setting and collection for road charges.
Where residents are considering carrying out building works, please refer to the section under Estate Planning for your responsibilities for the roads and verges.
Residents should ensure that hedges and bushes do not encroach onto verges and that verges are not cut back from the edge of the road. Residents are also requested to cut, trim and maintain the verges adjoining their properties which helps keep the overall maintenance fees low as well as assisting in draining surface water falling onto the Estate.
Alterations to Driveways (Including Renovations and Re-laying)
In order to help protect the character of the estate, permission will not normally be given to the removal of portions of verges for the purpose of either widening an existing entrance, or creating an extra entrance, to properties.
However, MOSA does acknowledge that some vehicles have increased in size over the years since the Estates inception and this may cause some residents difficulties in leaving or accessing their properties. Therefore, in order that MOSA reflects all of the Sea Lane Residents views, early consultation on any proposed driveway widening should be undertaken with the appropriate Road Representative with a view to achieving an amicable conclusion.
Residents will need planning permission under certain circumstances. Please see the Planning Section for further guidance.
In addition “Deeds of Grant” are required by residents from MOSA for 'rights of way' across the verges and further information is contained in the legal and covenants section.
Pedestrian and Vehicular Accesses
The maintenance of the existing vehicular and/or pedestrian accesses, which cross the verges, is the responsibility of the owners of the property they serve.
Pedestrian accesses, granted by the Association, should not be allowed to be used in such a way that they could become public rights of way.
Please Note
Where residents are considering carrying out building works, please refer to Building Development under Planning and Finance and Charges for your responsibilities for the roads and verges.