Data Protection
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018. It is intended to harmonise data protection laws within the EU and aims primarily to give back to EU citizens control over their personal data (Data Protection Act 2018). These regulations require us to inform you what personal data we typically hold about our members, what we use it for and what steps we take to make sure that it is secure.
Personal Data
The data being held is:
Names (first and surname)
Land-line and/or mobile telephone numbers
Email addresses
In some cases we hold all the above data and for others we only hold some of it.
Why do we hold your personal data?
We use our members personal data in order to:-
Convene our general meetings
Deal with enquires and issues about the accesses to your properties
Monitor and inform members about planning applications and decisions
Inform members about drainage matters affecting our estate
Inform members about other non-planning matters e.g. the NE Coastal Path
Inform you about the management of the comment parts of our estate e.g. roads, twittens, roundabouts and the greensward.
Report to you on impending road closures in or near our village
Tell you about social events.
Where is your data stored?
The MOSA Secretary, Web Co-ordinator, MOSA Chair will maintain a password protected list of MOSA members and all of our Road Representatives will maintain a password protected list of MOSA members living in the their road.
Who processes this data?
The only people who are entitled to process the data on the MOSA lists are the members of MOSA Management Committee. However, this will also include those MOSA members, who live in or have access to the Byway and who are also members of both the BRASS Committee and MOSA.
Is the data secure?
Holders of the data (outlined above) are obliged to keep their members list secure.
Does MOSA share its data with any third parties?
MOSA does not share any data with third parties other than its own Sub-Committees and BRASS Committee.
Can you access your data?
Yes, a member's personal data can be viewed or produced on request. The application should be made to your Road Representative or the MOSA Secretary.
Can I ask that my data is deleted?
Yes, but this will not facilitate communication between us. All relevant personal details will be removed except of course for name and address which relates to who owns the property. Requests for deletion should be made to your Road Representative or the MOSA Secretary.
How long will your data be stored for?
Your data will be deleted within a reasonable period of time, when you cease to be a member of MOSA e.g. on the sale of your property.
What if I have a complaint?
Please contact the MOSA Secretary with details of your complaint. A member of the MOSA Committee will investigate and contact you within a reasonable time period.
Consent to retention of Personal Data.
Under the GDPR members have to positively opt in to allow us to hold and use your personal data. New members will be asked to sign the GDPR form, giving consent and return to their Road Representative. Alternatively, they can sign and scan the completed form and email it to their Road Representative.
Those who do not wish to opt-in will continue to receive information by post or hand delivery.
May 2018
Reviewed and amended January 2019