Historically the coastline at Middleton has suffered from extensive erosion and damage to the sea defences. Whilst the sea and our coast contribute to the uniqueness of our location it can be a destructive force.
In recent times, both the Arun District Council and the Government's Environment Agency have held responsibility for the protection of the coast but MOSA believed it had a supportive role to play in protecting both the Estate and the local environment.
As a result, MOSA’s Coastal Sub Committee (CSC) was formed in 2000 and whose purpose is to monitor erosion and liaise with the appropriate Authorities on the maintenance of adequate sea defences.
The CSC has three main purposes:-
Represent the interest of the members of the Association, in particular those residents living on or immediately adjacent to the sea front.
Protect the safety and enjoyment of everyone using the Greensward and the West Sussex County Council Public Footpath that runs westwards from Sea Lane.
Preserve the amenity and appearance of our unique Greensward, that has been designated as a ‘Site of Nature Conservation Importance.’
MOSA take pride in working closely with the relevant authorities to protect the Greensward and vulnerable beach and groyne systems and have developed a very good working relationship with all of the Authorities.