Community Guide
Middleton-on-Sea and in particular the 'Sea Lane Estate' is recognised by Arun District Council, residents and visitors to have very special and unique qualities. Keeping roads clear and our grass verges maintained to a high standard, makes the estate a safer place and contributes to its special character. To help support this, MOSA asks all residents to comply with the rules of the Association.
Making a Difference
As part of being an active and supportive community, MOSA would encourage that all residents always try to be a helpful, respectiveful, considerate and supportive neighbour. Please keep a look out for any neighbours living alone, particularly during extreme weather or local or national emergencies.
Speed Limit
20 mile an hour speed limit - Residents and their visitors and contractors are requested to adhere to the 20 mile per hour speed limit on the Estate roads. This is paramount for the safety of other road users, pedestrians and cyclists, young and old. It will also help to prolong the life of the road surfaces.
Parking on the Estate Roads by residents, visitors or members of the public, as a rule is not allowed. Residents are asked wherever possible, to provide off road parking for their visitors’ vehicles, either on their own property, or by arrangement on a neighbours’ property.
Vehicles and skips should not be parked on the verges.
Skips left in the road overnight should carry adequate lights. The householder hiring a skip is responsible for arranging for any damage caused to be made good.
Whilst the verges are owned by MOSA, residents are requested to maintain the verges adjoining their properties by cutting and trimming as required. This also includes ensuring that hedges and bushes do not encroach onto verges and that verges are not cut back from the edge of the road. This helps keep the overall maintenance fees low, as well as assisting in draining surface water falling onto the Estate. ​
The maintenance of the existing vehicular and/or pedestrian accesses, which cross the verges, is the responsibility of the owners of the property they serve.
Hedges and Trees
Please ensure that hedges and trees do not overhang your neighbours' property or the twittens and that the height is restricted to avoid annoyance to your neighbours.
Commercial Signage
Apart from construction site safety and security notices, the erection of trade boards and Estate Agent notices are not permitted within the estate, with the exception of a trade board for location purposes.
Property used for Commercial Purposes
Local covenants preclude the use of domestic dwellings for commercial purposes and residents should not use their property as a workshop or carry out a business in it. However, the Association acknowledges that in a changing work environment the term ‘commercial purposes’ has a wide definition, especially in the area of Information Technology, and any MOSA objections should be confined to concerns arising from any nuisance, to other residents, caused from the running of that business from a domestic dwelling.
Potential Damage caused to MOSA property during building works
Where residents are considering carrying out building works or alterations, please refer to the section under Estate Planning for further information on residents' responsibilities.
Noise Pollution, Bonfires and fireworks.
Residents are requested to ensure that they or any users of their property do not cause noise (e.g. loud music or dogs barking), which, causes a nuisance to neighbours.
Bonfires and fireworks are a hazard to thatched properties and potentially offensive to neighbours, as well as being a cause of distress to domestic animals. Residents are therefore urged not to light bonfires or fireworks as specifically many of the houses on the estate have thatched roofs and may therefore pose a greater risk of fire.
Fireworks and the law, there are restrictions on timings when fireworks are permitted. For the latest information on timings please use the link below for Sussex Police.
Outside Lighting
Residents wishing to install security or external lighting should ensure that the fittings are in keeping with the area and that the lighting is discreet. Timers and movement sensors on outside lights should be used. Garden lights should be turned off between midnight and 6am. Please see the lighting guidelines for further information.
Keeping Caravans and Motorhomes on driveways
A “House on Wheels” (as described in the covenant; e.g. a caravan) should not be kept on the property and alternative arrangements should be made by the owners to relocate it to an alternative location or provide landscape ‘mitigation’ to the satisfaction of MOSA and its members/residents.
Exterior Property Colours
The building exterior should be predominantly cream or white.
Dog Fouling
To ensure everybody remains safe and well, all dog owners must clear up after their dogs. There are 3 bins on the Greensward and one at the top of Sea Lane. Please note that dog wardens operate throughout the area and the failure to pick up after your dog, runs the risk of being fined.
Fly Tipping
It is illegal to dump rubbish on land that is not yours, in particular on the beach, Greensward or village green.
From the beginning of the Estate and the forming of the Association and reiterated in The Village Design Statement (2000), covenants have formed part of the legal deeds of the property on the Estate. Please check your deeds if you are unsure of what covenants affect your property.
Non Payment of Fees
It is the responsibly of all MOSA Members to pay their share of the costs associated with the Estate. However should the very rare occurrence arise whereby a member fails to pay, MOSA has developed a clear debt recovery process.
Please contact the Secretary if you would like a copy.
Inappropriate Residents Actions
MOSA has developed a policy to cover 'Inappropriate Residents Actions'. Actions that cause concern to their neighbours by their non compliance with reasonable noise and social standards and could involve a consideration of the law of 'Nuisance'. In all cases we believe that informal discussions between all parties should be undertaken before any formal/legal action is initiated and the policy attempts to mitigate or remove the need for that action and preserve relationships between neighbours and residents.
Please contact the Secretary if you would like a copy.
Buildings in Disrepair or Neglect
It is in all owners best interests to maintain their land and property. However, MOSA has developed a policy to cover 'Buildings in Disrepair or Neglect' because historically there has been a small number of property owners who may have caused concern to their neighbours through the deterioration of their property in terms of structure and/or vegetation growth and could be of such an extent that action within the law of “Nuisance” may have needed to be considered.
Specifically, the concern could involve the visual standards of the property itself, resulting from the lack of house or garden maintenance which produces, directly or indirectly, environmental health issues.
At a financial level, this deterioration in personal and property standards may result in a reduction in property values which could have a detrimental effect on all owners within the estate.
Any deterioration in the standard of a property may be as a result of a number of reasons and not necessarily as a result of deliberate maintenance neglect but possibly as a result of unfortunate financial or personal circumstances.
However, a situation may present itself whereby neighbours and the Association are so concerned that action needs to be undertaken. It should, however, be noted that the policy is only for use by MOSA and does not restrict or prevent residents taking their own individual action in law if they deem it appropriate and necessary.
Please contact the Secretary if you would like a copy.