Building Development
Planning Applications
MOSA endeavours to monitor all planning applications and would appreciate having first sight of details of the proposed work, before plans are submitted to Arun District Council. Please contact your Road Representative in the first instance, however, in addition, MOSA has set up a dedicated subcommittee to advise residents and monitor planning applications within the estate.
The Planning Advisory Committee, will consider all planning applications for adherence to the guidelines in the Village Design Statement (2000) and Arun District Council's (ADC) policies and guidelines for the protection and enhancement of the Area of Special Character. Having reviewed the application the committee will advise the management committee if it is considered appropriate that an objection is to be lodged with ADC and may also make the Parish Council aware of our objections.
This would not affect the rights of an affected neighbour or resident to object or support an applicant and should anybody wish to object, then this should be done independently of any decision made by MOSA.
Permitted Development
Permitted development rights are a national grant of planning permission which allow certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application.
Residents undertaking any building development, should still ensure that the design is in keeping with the Village Design Statement (2000). Please ensure your architect or designer has a copy. Further advice on permitted development is available via the Arun District Council website.
Owners Responsibilities
Where any such works are being undertaken owners are requested to consult with their neighbours and Road Representative, in advance of the work taking place.
During the course of any building development, significant damage to the roads, verges and other estate infrastructure may occur during the course of the actial building works and from the associated contractor vehicles.
It is the responsibility of those residents, having works done on their properties, to make every effort to minimise such damage and, where damage has occurred, to notify their road representative and make any necessary repairs at their own expense.
Potential Charges
Where MOSA considers work would have an adverse effect on its road surfaces or verges it may insist on receiving a non-refundable financial bond in the light of the work to be done. The extent of the bond in cost terms will be contained in the Finance and Charges Section.