Each Road Group and Sea Lane have their own Road Representative and in some cases, road committees who liaise with the Management Committee, Infrastructure Sub Committee and Planning Advisory Committee in respect of the maintenance of the private roads, drains, verges, building development, planning issues, the setting and collection of road charges.
In addition they will meet with new residents to welcome them to MOSA and the Estate, and provide appropriate information and guidance.
Road Representatives are appointed by invitation of the Management Committee. Only road representatives or their deputies may attend the Management Committee meetings.
Old Point - Sue Mackenzie
Sea Way - Kevin Seaman
Sea Close - Roland Jervis
Merry End - Susan Burley
The Byway - Ken Moran
East Close - Margaret Martin
West Close - Gill Pacey
South Walk - Gill Tuson
Sea Lane - Michael Leete
Each Road Group and Sea Lane have their own Road Representative and in some cases, road committees who act in co-operation with the Management Committee and Infrastructure Sub Committee, with delegated responsibility for the maintenance of private roads, drains, verges, and the setting and collection for road charges. They will also seek professional advice on the condition of the roads within that group and for repairs to maintain those roads in a safe condition. Property owners should be consulted before any contracts are placed. In addition they will meet with new residents to welcome them to MOSA and the Estate.
Each of the Road Groups are tasked with the provision and maintenance of road name boards, signs and gates.
Road Representatives are appointed by invitation of the Management Committee. Only road representatives or their deputies may attend the Management meetings.